Emerging Practices in International Development Evaluation
- Book
The impetus for this volume comes from reflecting on many years of experience, successes and failures in development evaluation in Asia and Africa, and from recent work supported by the Rockefeller Foundation on Rethinking, Reshaping, and Reforming...
Notes From The Field: Disability Rights Fund on “Evaluating Advocacy to Assess Grantmaking Goals”
- News
Mariane Arsenault, an evaluation consultant for Universalia, and Yumi Sera, Operations Director for the Disability Rights Fund, co-write a blog post on Markets for Good about evaluating DRF and advocacy interventions....
Book Review - Implementing a Subnational Results-Oriented Management and Budgeting System
- Article
The original paper by Gomez, Olivera and Velasco may be accessed via the following link.
Read Dr. Charles Lusthaus’ latest blog post: Institutional Motivation: Inspiring and Retaining Talent
- News
Click here to read Dr. Charles Lushaus’ latest blog post, Institutional Motivation: Inspiring and Retaining Talent, on the Reflect and Learn website....
Universalia appointed to the Panel of Professional Service Providers by the Department of Performance Monitoring and Research of the Office of the President, Republic of South Africa
- News
Universalia, together with the Center on Governance of the School of Political Studies from the University of Ottawa, have been appointed to the Panel of Professional Service Providers in the Evaluation and Research Competency Areas Department of...
Universalia to deliver a 3-day RBM training workshop for the Young Professionals of the IsDB
- News
Universalia has won another contract from the Islamic Bank of Development (IsDB), located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This contract includes the preparation and delivery of a 3-day RBM training workshop for the Young Professionals of the Bank. Mustapha...
Universalia awarded contract to provide M&E support to Plan International at the HQ level
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Universalia is pleased to announce that we have won a new contract to provide Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) support to Plan International at the Headquarter level....
Universalia announces new website
- News
Universalia is proud to announce our new website. We have changed the visual presentation as well as included new social media functions. Happy surfing!
Stabroek News recently covered Universalia’s involvement in the "Advancing Education of Boys in Jamaica" initiative
- News
Stabroek News, a regional newspaper in the Caribbean, recently covered Universalia’s involvement in the "Advancing Education of Boys in Jamaica" initiative. The article can be found here: http://www.stabroeknews.com/2013/news/regional/06/06/jamaica...
Framework Agreement on the Performance of Meta-Evaluations, Syntheses, Reviews, Pre-Reviews, and Peer Reviews of Evaluations
- Project
Within a framework arrangement of two years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland contracted Universalia to conduct the following tasks: i) meta-evaluations and syntheses of decentralized evaluation reports, which may constitute of appraisals (ex...