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Universalia to conduct programme completion evaluation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Harmonised Implementation Programme (CDM-HIP)

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We are pleased to announce that Universalia will be conducting the programme completion evaluation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Harmonised Implementation Programme (CDM-HIP) for the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)....

Gerry Cooney and Anette Wenderoth facilitated a session on gender responsive evaluations for IPDET

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On June 11, 2014, Gerry Cooney and Anette Wenderoth facilitated a session on gender responsive evaluations for the 150+ persons attending the World Bank's International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) at Carleton University, Ottawa...

Universalia evaluates the work done as part of the demobilization process in Rwanda, which contributes to peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region

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A Universalia team, comprised of Yvan Conoir, Brigitte Izabiriza and Marie-Laure Talbot, recently evaluated the progress made by the Rwanda Second Emergency Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme....

Universalia is conducting an evaluation of activities related to the reconciliation and re-establishment of the rule of law at the heart of Cote d’Ivoire’s recovery.

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The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund invited a Universalia team, comprised of Yvan Conoir and Patrick Zadi-Zadi, to assess the work of the “Peacebuilding Priority Plan in Cote d’Ivoire.” With the assistance of the United Nations Peacebuilding Support...

Universalia is involved in the analysis of peacekeeping and peacebuilding policies and in international humanitarian operations at UQAM

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Yvan Conoir organizes and coordinates the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) Faculty of Political Science and Law Summer Schools each year:

Dr. Rahman has been invited to become a mentor in the M&E Mentoring Program of the ICD

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Dr. Syed Sajjadur Rahman, Universalia Senior Associate, has been invited to become a mentor in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Mentoring Program of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) at the Islamic Development...

Universalia and R4D are pleased to partner for the evaluation of the GPE program

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Universalia and the Results for Development Institute (R4D) ( in Washington are pleased to announce their partnership to evaluate the GPE program. The Global Partnership for Education was founded in 2002 under the name Education for All Fast...

Real-Time Evaluation of UNICEF's Humanitarian Response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

- Report

PDF icon jul-2014-unicef-philippines-haiyan-rte.pdf
Real-Time Evaluation of UNICEF's Humanitarian Response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Universalia recently completed the 2014 Global: Real-Time Evaluation of UNICEF’s Response to the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

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Universalia recently completed the Real-Time Evaluation of UNICEF’s Humanitarian Response to the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. This mandate is based on an assessment of the first four months of the response, based on field visits, interviews with...

Universalia attended the Grantee Convening Meeting of the Disability Rights Fund in Uganda

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As part of the Learning Evaluation of the Disability Rights Fund (DRF), Elisabetta Micaro (team leader) and Sandra Nduwimfura (evaluation consultant) attended DRF’s annual Grantee Convening Meeting in Uganda in July 2014....
