Universalia awarded contract to review the evaluation of the Partners for Development Program
- News
Universalia has won a contract with Department of Foreign Affairs and to Trade Development (DFATD) to review the evaluation of the Partners for Development Program....
Eric Abitbol, PhD
- Employee
President and CEO of Universalia, Eric Abitbol, PhD is a Practice Leader heading Universalia’s Environment, Security and Conflict Transformation work as well as Universalia's Francophonie Practice. He is a global environmental governance, sustainability...
EvalPartners has teamed up with Universalia to launch the EvalStory campaign
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As a celebration of EvalYear 2015, EvalPartners, a global movement to strengthen national evaluation capacities, teamed up with Universalia to launch the EvalStory campaign....
EvalStory Campaign
- Link
Celebrate EvalYear 2015 with videos from leading evaluators
Universalia is pleased to announce the nomination of one of its consultants to the Board of Directors of GAF
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Universalia is pleased to announce the nomination of one of its consultants, Mr. Emmanuel Trépanier, to the Board of Directors of Girls Action Foundation (GAF)....
Armande Bégin Fund for the Promotion of Women in Mali
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For the past two years, Universalia has supported the Armande Bégin Fund for the Promotion of Women in Mali. Armande Bégin has worked in many countries, particularly in Mali, as a volunteer for the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)...
Meta-Evaluation of MFA Decentralised Evaluations 2012-14
- Video
Webinar presentation of draft report, March 2015
Universalia completes a meta-evaluation of decentralized evaluations carried out between 2012 and 2014 for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland
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Universalia completed a meta-evaluation of decentralized evaluations carried out between 2012 and 2014 for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland. The assignment was well received by the Ministry, which indicates it will be addressing all the...
Dr. Syed Sajjadur Rahman presented papers at the CASID 2015 Annual Conference
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Dr. Syed Sajjadur Rahman, a Senior Associate at the Universalia Management Group and a Senior Fellow at the School of International Development & Global Studies, University of Ottawa, organized and presented papers at the Panel “Development Partnerships...