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Universalia will conduct an external evaluation of the Theatre Engaging Communities (TEC) Program of the National Theatre School of Canada.

- News

The Theatre Engaging Communities (TEC) Program of the National Theater School of Canada aims to fund social projects designed by its students and recent graduates. Universalia has been selected to conduct, between January and May 2014, an external...

We are pleased to announce that Universalia and ISID will host the 2014 INTEVAL meeting from May 28-30, 2014

- News

We are pleased to announce that Universalia and ISID will host the 2014 INTEVAL meeting from May 28-30, 2014. The sessions will be held at McGill and the Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID). Universalia will co-sponsor some of...

The CLEAR Board has commissioned Universalia to conduct a mid-term evaluation (MTE)

- News

After three years of implementation, the CLEAR Board has commissioned Universalia to conduct a mid-term evaluation (MTE) on the progress made to date. The users of the MTE include the Board and the Secretariat of CLEAR, the Regional Centers, the CLEAR...

Universalia was awarded a contract to support Avenir d’enfants monitoring evaluation

- News

The Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation’s Avenir d’enfants program will soon complete an evaluation of its monitoring of the local groups of partners (LGP) with which it works, in relation to their mobilization and capacity. Local groups of partners...

Universalia employees continue to serve the evaluation community and the international development community

- News

We are proud to announce that Universalia's Karen Rodrigue-Gervais was re-appointed by the Board of the Société québécoise d'évaluation de programme (SQEP) to serve as its regional delegate on the National Council of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES...

The Future of Development Partnerships - Bangladesh: Out of Fragility?

- Presentation

Syed Sajjadur Rahman presented at the 'Bangladesh: Out of Fragility?' seminar, which was held at the University of Ottawa on November 26, 2013. This session explored the paradox of Bangladesh’s development progress and enduring fragility, the prospects...
PDF icon bangladesh-nov26.pdf

Syed Sajjadur Rahman presented at the 'Bangladesh: Out of Fragility?' seminar, which was held at the University of Ottawa

- News

Sajjad Rahman presented at the 'Bangladesh: End of Fragility?' seminar, which was held at the University of Ottawa on November 26, 2013. This session explored the paradox of Bangladesh’s development progress and enduring fragility, the prospects for the...

Universalia is pleased to announce that it is participating for a second year in an e-learning programme on development evaluation

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Universalia is pleased to announce that it is participating for a second year in an e-learning programme on development evaluation organized by UNICEF, the Claremont Graduate University and the IOCE under the EvalPartners initiative, with support from...

Universalia is looking for a Consultant located in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India or Pakistan, to conduct field work in South Asia as part of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the CLEAR Global Initiative

- News

Universalia Management Group is looking for a Consultant located in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India or Pakistan, to conduct field work in South Asia as part of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Regional Centres for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR)...

Universalia will undertake the functional review of the Secretariat of the Convention of the Biological Diversity between December 2013 and May 2014

- News

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which came into force on 29 December 1993, was inspired by the world community's growing commitment to sustainable development. It represents a dramatic step forward in the conservation of biological...
