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Evaluation of the Split-site Master’s Pilot Program

- Project

Coffey International Development, the Managing Contractor for DFAT’s Australia Awards in Indonesia, has mandated Universalia to conduct the evaluation of its Split-Site Master’s Pilot Program implemented from 2012 to 2014. This award program involved 12...

BIAAG Campaign Progress Report 2014

- Project

Because I Am A Girl (BIAAG) is an international campaign by Plan International which aims to address gender discrimination around the world. In 2014, the BIAAG Campaign targets six major goals, namely: 1) Girls’ education at the centre of the global...

External Final Evaluation of the Humanitarian Evaluation and Learning Project

- Project

The Humanitarian Evaluation and Learning Project (HELP) aimed at enhancing the capacities of the aid actors in order to improve the humanitarian assistance, either through iterative evaluations with mini-seminars – like has been the case in Mali during...

Independent Evaluation of The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility’s Sub-national Technical Assistance

- Project

The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a multi-donor technical assistance facility, established in 1999 that is aimed at helping developing countries improve the quality of their infrastructure through the participation of the...

Evaluation of the Child Protection Monitoring and Response System (CPMRS)

- Project

Universalia was mandated by UNICEF to carry out an evaluation of the Child Protection Monitoring and Response System (CPMRS) project, which was supported by UNICEF Thailand from 2006-2012. The evaluation examined the relevance effectiveness, efficiency,...

Practice Areas

- Web Page

In addition to the services it provides across a range of sectors, Universalia also offers specialized expertise within the following practices areas: Organization and Partnership Evaluation Practice (OPP): This practice area builds on Universalia’s...

Environment, Security and Conflict Transformation

- Web Page

Environment Conflict Management Practice at Universalia...

Peace Building and Humanitarian Operations

- Web Page

Peace Building and Humanitarian Operations Practice at Universalia...

Functional Review of the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity

- Project

The Functional Review of the Secretariat was launched as a result of a decision of the Conference of Parties COP/XI/31 Paragraph 25 which requested the Executive Secretary to undertake an in-depth functional review of the Secretariat with a view to...

Evaluation of the Intervention and Rehabilitation Program in Residential facilities and diversion programs for children in conflict with the law

- Project

Universalia was mandated to conduct a formative evaluation to help UNICEF and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) refocus, redevelop or improve the center-based programs and services for Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL), as...
