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Regional Evaluation UN-Women Coordination ECA

- Project

Universalia was mandated to assess UN Women’s contribution to the UN coordination on gender equality in the UN System in different country contexts within the ECA region. This was achieved by assessing relevance, effectiveness and organizational...

Independent Monitoring and Evaluation of the Rights and Resources Initiative 2014

- Project

With the objective to track the implementation of its annual programmes and inform the Coalition on the factors that affect its performance, the Rights and Resources Initiatives (RRI) commissioned Universalia to independently monitor the execution of...

Reflections on the 2016 Conference of the American Evaluation Association

- News

Dr. Eric Abitbol, Senior Consultant and Practice Leader for Environment, Security and Conflict Transformation at the Universalia Management Group, recently returned from the 2016 Conference of the American Evaluation Association, on the theme of ...

Research on Conditional Cash Transfers published in “Papers in Political Economy”

- News

Papers in Political Economy / Revue Interventions Économiques, a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal recently published its 56th issue: Développement et inclusion. Le grand chantier des inégalités, de la pauvreté. The issue, dedicated to...

Contract won on the Evaluation Diagnostic Guidance for the SDGs

- News

Universalia has won a contract to develop the diagnostic tools for evaluating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is an exciting piece of work because it will drive the way agencies and countries in particular monitor and evaluate their...

Universalia providing Technical Assistance to the Iraqi Al-Amal YouthBuild Initiative

- News

The goals of the project are to prepare and link out-of-school and unemployed youth to livelihood opportunities in the Iraqi economy and to enable young people to increase their leadership capacity through civic engagement and community asset building ...

Yves Dufour

- Employee

Yves Dufour is responsible for general accounting at Universalia (accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoicing and bank reconciliation, etc.). He has worked in the accounting field for more than 20 years, primarily in the retail and service sectors.

Evaluation of the Joint Partnership between UNAIDS & The Global Fund

- News

Universalia has won a contract involving UNAIDS and the Global Fund, who have established a continuous working relationship since 2002. The Cooperation Agreement signed in 2014 replaced the previous MoUs and strengthened the cooperation framework...

Independent Evaluation of the Joint Partnership between UNAIDS & The Global Fund

- Project

UNAIDS and the Global Fund have established a continuous working relationship since 2002. The Cooperation Agreement signed in 2014 replaced the previous MoUs and strengthened the cooperation framework between the Parties, especially in terms of...

Evaluation Services for the Evaluation of SSHRC’s Research-Based Knowledge Cluster

- News

The objective of this short-term assignment (November 2016 - March 2017) is to prepare the final report of the evaluation of the SSHRC’s Research-Based Knowledge Cluster sub-program. The primary focus of the evaluation is on SSHRC’s Impact Awards. The...
