Our partner Yvan Conoir just released his latest book
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Our partner Yvan Conoir just released his latest book on "La gestion des projets de développement international et d'action humanitaire" (Management of Projects of International Development and Humanitarian Action) aux Presses de l'Université Laval ...
Development of MEL Plan for Australian Awards International Short Term Awards & Preparation for Organizational Study
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Universalia has been contracted by Coffey International Development to develop a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan for the Australia Awards in Indonesia Short-term Awards Sub-program. The objectives of the consultancy are to design a user...
Universalia conducts mission in Peru as part of the evaluation of WFP's Policy on Capacity Building
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Universalia has conducted a field mission in Peru as part of the evaluation of the World Food Program (WFP) 2009 Policy on Capacity Development. In April 2016, a team led by Marie Helene Adrien, accompanied by Dr. Hector Maletta, Senior economist and...
Provision of an Evaluation Quality Assurance Facility
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Universalia was contracted by the UNICEF South Asia Regional Office to provide quality assurance services on its main evaluation deliverables. Universalia uses review instruments to provide feedback on draft terms of reference, draft inception reports...
Second Annual Development Effectiveness Report
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Universalia was contracted to put together the second Annual Development Effectiveness Report (ADER) for the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD); the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group. The ADER will...
Evaluation Quality Assurance Services for UNICEF ESARO
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The UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office contracted Universalia to provide quality assurance services on its main evaluation deliverables. Universalia uses review instruments to provide feedback on draft terms of reference, draft...
Workshop at the Regional Bureau of the World Food Program (WFP) in Panama
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In April 2016, Juan-David Gonzales and Marie-Hélène Adrien facilitated a workshop at the Regional Bureau of the World Food Program (WFP) in Panama....
Marie-Hélène Adrien, President of Universalia, has been nominated as a Board member of CAIDP
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Marie-Hélène Adrien, President of Universalia, has been nominated as a Board member of the Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP) and will serve on the External Relation and Strategic Planning Committees....
Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien, Moderator of the panel on: Design and Impact in Development Programming: Start with the End in Mind!
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Dr. Marie-Hélène Adrien attended the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of International Development Professionals (CAIDP) on May 9, https://www.caidp-rpcdi.ca, in Ottawa. Dr. Adrien was the moderator of the panel on: Design and Impact in...
Universalia endorses the Women’s Empowerment Principles
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Universalia is pleased to announce that it has joined a group of 1245 businesses from around the world in becoming a signatory of the Women's Empowerment Principles. Established by UN Women and the UN Global Compact following an extensive global...