National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
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The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th) is a moment to recognize and commemorate the intergenerational harm that residential schools have caused to Indigenous families and communities. It is also a time to reflect on what...
Thematic Evaluation of WFP's Cooperating Partnerships in the Eastern Africa Region
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Starting in 2016, WFP embarked on a process of institutional reform to reorient the organization’s strategic objectives and programmatic and administrative mechanisms for cooperating partnerships in response to the Grand Bargain localization commitments...
Evaluation of UNESCO's Strategy for Action on Climate Change (2018-2021)
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The objective of the UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change (SACC) is to enable Member States to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts through education, sciences, culture and communication and information. UNESCO’s SACC...
Evaluation of the Water Financing Partnership Facility
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The Water Financing Partnership Facility (WFPF) was established in 2006 to access additional financial and knowledge resources from development partners to support the implementation of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Water Financing Program 2006...
External Evaluation of the Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership
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In 2017, two major water-focused Multi-Donor Trust Funds, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) and the Water Partnership Program (WPP), were integrated in creating the Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP), towards realizing its ...
Volunteer Cooperation Programme Support
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Global Affair Canada’s (GAC) Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) aims to contribute to the economic and/or social well-being of the poorest, most marginalized and vulnerable people, particularly women and girls, in developing countries. The VCP supports...
BMGF Replenishment Review
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The overall purpose of the learning review is to assist the Foundation in strategic decision making about how the foundation engages in replenishment processes as part of broader resources mobilization efforts. The review will develop analytical...
David Gray (1950 – 2021)
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Universalia is sadly communicating the loss of David Gray, a dear and former colleague and shareholder of Universalia. David passed away peacefully in Montreal on December 18 2021 comforted by his wife Joyce, and his sons Darren and Jeffrey....
Universalia completes the Evaluation of the Rwanda AfDB Country Strategy and Program (2012-2021)
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Universalia, in collaboration with a team of consultants, has recently led the completion of the Evaluation of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Country Strategy and Program (2012-2021)!...
Universalia completes WFP’s Thematic Evaluation of Cooperating Partnerships in the Eastern Africa Region (2016-2020)
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Universalia has recently completed WFP’s Thematic Evaluation of Cooperating Partnerships in the Eastern Africa Region (2016-2020)! This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa in Nairobi (RBN) and focuses...