Universalia at CES 2023!
- News
Universalia was pleased to be represented in person at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference 2023 by both analyst, Beement Alemayehu, and consultant, Zachariah Su, who led a presentation titled “Unpacking the Complexity of Partnerships in...
Mid-Term Review of the Siemens Integrity Initiative
- Project
Following a Settlement Agreement with the World Bank Group in 2009, Siemens AG set up the Siemens Integrity Initiative, a 100$M USD fund to finance projects that fight corruption and fraud in the world. To date, the Initiative has funded 55 projects in...
Evaluation of WFP Policy on Capacity Development (2009-2015)
- Project
The evaluation covered the implementation of the 2009 WFP Policy on Capacity Development: An Update on Implementation until 2015, and focused on the quality of the policy and its implementation, including guidance, tools, technical capacity, resourcing,...
Mid-Term Review of the Tenth Cycle of the Unified Special Development Fund of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
- Project
The main objective of this assignment was to assess the performance of SDF 10, two years into its implementation. The MTR examined whether the objectives and targets of the fund, in relation to building social, economic and environmental resilience;...
Monitoring and Evaluation: Geneva Dialogue on Environment, Climate, Conflict, and Peace (ECCP)
- Project
As the Geneva Dialogue on Environment, Climate, Conflict, and Peace (ECCP) completed its third year of work, ECCP sought to carry out a stock-taking of the community’s objectives, accomplishments, and significance for its members. Universalia’s Amanda...
Evaluation of Malawi WFP Country Strategic Plan
- Project
The Malawi Country Strategic Plan (CSP) was approved in 2018 and represented an overall shift in WFP’s country strategy from direct implementation to capacity strengthening. This shift in approach sought to build on the Government of Malawi’s commitment...
Evaluation of the Government of Malawi and UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation (2019-2023)
- Project
Universalia conducted a combined summative and formative, utilization focused evaluation of the Government of Malawi-UNICEF Country Programme (2019-2023). The evaluation provided impartial and independent evidence to assist the Country Office and Malawi...
Evaluation of UNICEF Jordan Country Programme
- Project
Universalia conducted a combined summative and formative, utilization focused evaluation of the UNICEF Jordan Country Programme for the period 2018-2002. The evaluation provided impartial and independent evidence to assist the Country Office and Jordan...
Assessment and Documentation of Gender Transformation Approaches in UNICEF Health and Nutrition Programming in Africa
- Project
The overall purpose of the consultancy was to document and assess gender transformative approaches that have been applied within UNICEF health and nutrition programming in Africa. This has helped to document promising practices and identified elements...
IASC GenCap Project Peer to Peer Support
- Project
The IASC Gender Standby Capacity Project (GenCap), an interagency initiative created in 2007, seeks to facilitate and strengthen capacity and leadership of humanitarians to undertake and promote gender equality programming to ensure the distinct needs...