Projects Worldwide



In 2019, the World Education Services (WES) Mariam Assefa Fund (MAF) began operating as the philanthropic and social impact arm of WES. MAF is a financially independent enterprise that started with US$30 million from WES. WES reached out to Universalia, one of their preferred services providers, to...

Samantha Coronel, Meaghan Shevell, Maria Fustic, Taarini Andlay , Shreyass Bhat Kudana

Since its inception in 2008, the State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF 1.0) reached 66 countries to cover all seven World Bank geographic regions and Global activities, financing more than US$327 million through 286 grants and 11 transfers to single-country multi-donor trust funds (MDTFs). SPF 1.0 is a...
The objectives of the evaluation are to review progress and initial results and impacts of the SURGE Umbrella Program’s global Urban Analytics & Technical Assistance Program, and three country programs for Bolivia, Peru and Serbia, against the SURGE Umbrella development objectives and relevant...

Eric Abitbol, PhD, Katrina Rojas, Zachariah Su, Maria Fustic, Pascaline Gaborit, Dr Julio Abel Calderón Cockburn , Roberto Daza

The Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office is undertaking several evaluations, reviews, and studies in preparation for the up-coming Eighth Comprehensive Evaluation of the GEF (OPS8), which will be a key input to the GEF-9 replenishment negotiations. Based on the GEF’s...
Following the 22 years of dictatorship by President Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh, the Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) acted as one of the first responders in The Gambia to support a peaceful transition in the country. Between 2017 and 2022, the PBF provided a total investment...
The purpose of the CPE was dual: (1) learning from the implementation of the CP to inform the design of the next UNICEF CPD 2025 to 2029; and (2) accountability of UNICEF Rwanda for results to key internal and external stakeholders, including the national government, international donors, and...

Silas Mvulirwenande, Meaghan Shevell, Beement Alemayehu, Anne-Marie Dawson, Drina Therrien , Dr Irenée Ndayambaje , Dr Eric Matsiko , Dr Erigene Rutayisire

The main objective of this assignment was to assess the performance of SDF 10, two years into its implementation. The MTR examined whether the objectives and targets of the fund, in relation to building social, economic and environmental resilience; supporting disaster risk management,...
Universalia was selected by FAO as the qualified Contractor to perform the External Post Assessment (EPA) service for final evaluation reports provided by OED. Within its responsibilities and as set out in FAO’s Evaluation Policy, OED is to ensure all final evaluation reports are independently...
Founded in 2014, the BHP Foundation is committed to blending “bold ambition, transformational partnerships and business acumen to catalyze new solutions to the world’s most complex social and environmental challenges". The Foundation has 6 programs, 3 global programs that are thematically focused (...
As the Geneva Dialogue on Environment, Climate, Conflict, and Peace (ECCP) completed its third year of work, ECCP sought to carry out a stock-taking of the community’s objectives, accomplishments, and significance for its members. Universalia’s Amanda Woomer (Consultant) accompanied the Geneva...
