- Environment, climate change and natural resources management
- Canada
- United States of America
Universalia conducted a summative evaluation of the MaterialWise initiative and a formative evaluation of MaterialWise’s overall trajectory beyond the pilot.
The utilization-focussed evaluation was organised around five dimensions of OECD-DAC criteria, assessing the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, results and sustainability of the pilot. The evaluation drew upon 4 forms of inquiry: i) theory based, an examination of the causality that links activities and results; ii) business model analysis, a framework to understand MaterialWise’s offering as well as its impacts for other eco-system actors; iii) 3 sphere analysis, a reflection regarding dimensions of actionability of the chemical hazard profiles proposed to be managed and provided to the intended users; and iv) institutional and organisational analysis, an examination of the management dimensions of MaterialWise with its performance in delivering scalable and viable outcomes.
Data collection methods included a document review and semi-structured interviews with 30 key informants. Deliverables included an inception report, a final evaluation report, and presentations to MaterialWise, the Investment Committee and C&A Foundation stakeholders.