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Evaluation of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)

- Project

The Water and Sanitation Program is an international partnership which aims to provide increased access to improved water and sanitation services for poor people living in rural and urban areas across the world. The overall purpose of this evaluation...

Evaluation of UNIFEM Programming on Gender and HIV/AIDS

- Project

The evaluation focused on the implementation of two major programmes: Enhancing Human Security through Gender Equality in the Context of HIV/AIDS (HSP) and UNIFEM Africa Regional Programme of Action on HIV/AIDS (ARP). The overall objectives of the...

Evaluation of UNIFEM’s Partnerships with Regional Organizations

- Project

Universalia was contracted to carry out the evaluation of UNIFEM’s partnerships with regional organizations. This is a corporate evaluation and is undertaken as part of the 2008 evaluation plan of the Evaluation Unit. Given the recent growth in...

Exploratory Study on Issues Related to Parts IV, V and VI of the Official Languages Act of Canada

- Project

Universalia was mandated to conduct an exploratory study on issues related to Parts IV, V and VI of the Official Language Act (OLA) of Canada. This study served as a source of information to help develop the summative evaluation framework of the...

External Project Monitoring and Technical Advisory Services for Nigeria AIDS Responsive Fund (NARF)

- Project

In designing the Nigeria AIDS Responsive FUND (NARF), CIDA consulted with key stakeholders to identify gaps within the current national response to HIV/AIDS programming. Two areas were identified: the achievement of gender and respect for human rights...

Facilitation and Report of a National Forum on Part VII of the Official Languages Act of Canada

- Project

In 2011, Universalia was contracted by the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (OCOL) to facilitate a national discussion forum on the implementation of Part VII of the Official Languages Act and produce a summary record of the event....

Five-Year Evaluation of the Programs of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD)

- Project

Using an organizational assessment model, Universalia undertook an assessment of ICHRDD and its programs including interviews with more than 60 people from 48 organizations in 25 countries. The review included two case studies on ICHRDD’s Women’s...

Formative and Summative Evaluation of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Minority Language Education and Second Official Language Instruction 2009-2010 to 2012-2013

- Project

Universalia was contracted through the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities by the Ontario Ministry of Education and Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, to lead the Formative and Summative Evaluation of the Canada...

Formative Evaluation of the African Virtual University

- Project

The African Virtual University (AVU) is an e-learning body established to increase access to tertiary level education through the application of information and communications technologies. This 2004 assignment utilised Institutional and Organisational...

Formative review of Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Reports 2002-2005

- Project

Universalia undertook the review with a view to obtaining insights on the quality, use, and efficiency of the production cycle of the first three EFA Global Monitoring Reports. More specifically, the key objectives of the formative review, as defined in...
