Evaluation of the Canada-Poland Entrepreneurs Fund
- Project
The Canada-Poland Entrepreneurs Fund (CPEF) is a $32 million CIDA project designed to encourage the creation and development of the Polish private sector in northwest Poland through loans to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The Project...
Evaluation of the Canadian College Partnership Program (CCPP), Phase II
- Project
CCPP is a mechanism through which CIDA’s Canadian Partnership Branch has provided funding for partnership activities between Canadian and developing country education and training organizations since 1994. The goal of Phase II is to increase the...
Evaluation of the Canadian Cooperation Program in Haiti
- Project
CIDA’s cooperation program with Haiti is one of the longest standing and most important in the Americas. In this context, CIDA’s Performance and Knowledge Management Branch and the Haiti, Cuba & Dominican Republic Program Division agreed to carry out an...
Evaluation of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC)
- Project
This recent combined outcome/ impact and process evaluation of the Commonwealth’s premier instrument for development cooperation was commenced in early 2007. Universalia has been asked to asses the efficiency and effectiveness of the CFTC. As well, we...
Evaluation of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) of the World Bank for FY2006-2009
- Project
The evaluation of the GFDRR consisted in reviewing the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the partnership in the context of reducing a country’s vulnerability to natural hazards and climate variability. It had to identify constraints and...
Evaluation of the Policy and Human Resources Development Technical Assistance (PHRD TA) Program
- Project
The Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Fund was established in 1990 through a joint agreement between the World Bank and the Government of Japan. This is the largest Trust Fund of the World Bank. The Fund’s fundamental objective is to...
Evaluation of the Red List Consortium
- Project
Universalia was mandated by the IUCN to assess the effectiveness of the consortium created to manage the Red List Program (comprised of the Species Survival Commission, Conservation International, Bird Life International and Nature Service) and to...
Evaluation of the Rights and Democracy Organization
- Project
The overall objective of this review was to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of R&D programs and initiatives in the field of human rights and democratic development. The Review assessed the degree to which R&D has narrowed its thematic focus...
Evaluation of the UNHCR Joint Organizational Strategy (JOS)
- Project
Universalia was commissioned in early 2009 to undertake the first-time evaluation of a joint organizational strategy (JOS) for UNHCR in which Canada, Denmark and the United Kingdom came together in 2007 to develop a common framework in which to situate...
Evaluation of the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women (VAW)
- Project
Universalia was contracted to conduct the external evaluation of the UN Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women to assess the implementation of the United Nations Trust Fund Strategy 2005-2008. This formative evaluation put...