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Policy Brief: What can Climate Change Finance and the Water Sector learn from each other?

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Dr. Archi Rastogi led a policy brief commissioned by GIZ and WIN, to explore the link between climate change finance and the water sector, from the perspective of integrity. Nearly 10-20% of development finance is lost to corruption every year. If...

Six Lessons Learned on Theories of Change in Evaluation

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During this week’s Lunch & Learn, our colleague Anette Wenderoth shared with Universalia staff a few key messages on Theories of Change (TOC) in evaluations....

Universalia at the IDEAS and GEF Conference on Evaluation for Transformational Change

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The International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) in collaboration with the Global Environment Fund (GEF) held a Conference in Prague (October 2-4) on Evaluation for Transformational Change....

Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship

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Universalia is extremely pleased to announce that the Canadian Evaluation Society Education Fund (CESEF) is launching its first Universalia Charles Lusthaus Scholarship!...

Evaluation of the African Water Facility Trust Fund, 2005-18

- Project

Universalia was contracted by the African Development Bank’s (AFDB) Independent Evaluation Department (IDEV) to conduct an evaluation of AWF entire portfolio since 2015, focusing on organizational and development effectiveness. ...

Evaluation of the EU's humanitarian assistance in Ukraine 2014-2018

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DG ECHO has engaged the services of Landell Mills (UK) and Universalia (Canada) to conduct the external evaluation of DG ECHO’s programme in Ukraine 2014-2018....

Mid-Term Evaluation of the IMF's Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Center (PFTAC) Phase V

- Project

Universalia has been contracted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to conduct a mid-term evaluation of Phase V of the Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Center (PFTAC)....

Internal Review of UN Women’s work on HIV / AIDS

- Project

UN Women has commissioned this assignment to support an internal review of its work within the Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) from 2014-2018....

MEL framework for the UNICEF-Gates foundation partnership strategy

- Project

In late 2018, the leadership of UNICEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) signed and launched a ‘partnership strategy’ to strengthen the two organization’s collaboration in key result areas (nutrition, maternal and child health,...

Evaluation of BMGF investments in policy, advocacy and communication to support the enabling environment for biotechnology

- Project

Universalia has been recruited to conduct an evaluation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) agricultural biotechnology policy and advocacy grants portfolio....
