Search results

Evaluation of the State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF)

- Project

The State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF) is a global multi-donor trust fund established in 2008 by the World Bank to respond to the needs of countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV). In September 2018, Universalia was contracted by...

Environmental Peacebuilding Reports

- News

Since 2012, Eric Abitbol (of Universalia and American University) and Ken Conca (American University) have led a practicum program in environmental peacebuilding with graduate students of American University (School of International Service), in...

Universalia’s Response to COVID-19 Virus

- News

Universalia is committed to keeping our employees, clients, partners and communities as safe as possible, while maintaining our clients’, partners' and stakeholder expectations of continued service delivery....

Evaluation of integrated school canteen programs implemented by WFP Burundi

- Project

The evaluation of integrated school canteen programs funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands and the European Union and implemented by the office of the World Food Program, for the period 2017-2018, was a summative evaluation aiming to identify...

Universalia completes the Evaluation of WFP’s People Strategy

- News

Universalia has recently completed the Evaluation of WFP’s People Strategy for the World Food Programme (WFP)....

Universalia Carbon Offset Partnership Program

- Link

Universalia is committed to mitigating its impact on the environment

Evaluation of IDRC’s Contribution to Building Leading Organisations

- Project

IDRC funds development-oriented research in developing countries, and between Canadian and developing country researchers, to promote growth, reduce poverty, and drive innovation and large-scale positive change....

Mid-Point Evaluation of the “CanopyStyle Initiative”

- Project

Universalia delivered a theory-based evaluation that provided a summative assessment of the extent to which CanopyStyle has met its objectives and a formative assessment of the key programmatic and operational factors that have enabled and/or inhibited...

Independent Evaluation of “Accelerating Better Cotton Initiative to Mainstream Sustainable Cotton Production & Uptake”

- Project

The C&A Foundation commissioned an evaluation to assess the extent to which the grant-specific work of Better Cotton Initiative met its objectives, document any missed opportunities, and provide a focused set of recommendations and lessons to enhance...

External Evaluation of the Pilot of “MaterialWise”

- Project

Universalia conducted a summative evaluation of the MaterialWise initiative and a formative evaluation of MaterialWise’s overall trajectory beyond the pilot....
