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Universalia completes the Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Response to the refugee crisis in Turkey

- News

Universalia, in partnership with Landell Mills et International Alert, has recently completed the Evaluation of the European Union’s Humanitarian Response to the refugee crisis in Turkey for the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and...

Evaluation of the WFP's People Strategy

- Project

The WFP's People Strategy, which was first approved in 2014, stands as the organization's "blueprint" for reinforcing, retaining and recruitment of its workforce. At the heart of this is the aim of creating a more people-centred WFP which focuses on the...

Evaluation of the European Union's Humanitarian Response to the refugee crisis in Turkey

- Project

Universalia, in partnership with Landell Mills International, has been contracted to deliver an independent evaluation that intends to provide a strategic assessment of the coherence of existing handover modalities and a structured and comprehensive...

UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation Formative Evaluation – Madagascar 2015-2020

- Project

The 2015-2020 country programme implemented by UNICEF, which responds to emergencies and addresses development challenges in the health, EHA, education, nutrition, child protection and social policies areas, is the largest among the UN agencies present...

Governance and Justice Program Evaluation

- Project

The Governance and Justice Program (GJ) funds research that addresses development challenges posed by insecurity, injustice, and the abuse of power. The GJ supports evidence-based research that helps citizens and public authorities address the sources...

Universalia Think-Piece on Evaluation QA Published by the International Labour Organization (ILO)

- News

Our colleagues Juan-David Gonzales and Sophie Pénicaud recently produced a Think Piece for the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Evaluation Office. Entitled “Quality assessments of ILO project evaluations: Sustaining recent improvements”, the...

Evaluation of Progress in Establishment of the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility

- Project

As the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility (the ‘Tenure Facility’ or ‘TF’) moved from its incubation period through to its establishment phase, the TF and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) commissioned Universalia to conduct this...

Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the joint SDC-SNSF Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development

- Project

In 2012, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) joined forces and launched the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme). In May 2017 Universalia was...

Determining options for long-term institutional arrangements for the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)

- Project

The purpose of this project was to examine the International Aid Transparency Initiative’s (IATI) institutional arrangements within the context of its past and future goals; and to provide support to the IATI Working Group on Institutional Arrangement’s...

Formative Evaluation of the Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP)

- Project

The Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) 2015-2020 is the current vehicle by which Global Affairs Canada (GAC ) is financially supporting 12 volunteer-sending projects being implemented by Canadian volunteer cooperation agencies (VCAs) in collaboration...
